Schmorl's hernia of cialis big size does not give symptoms and is not dangerous to health and life. But with progression and lack of treatment, it gives complications.

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To avoid the development of complications, it is better to treat Schmorl's hernia in Czech clinics. The techniques used there and an integrated approach will significantly improve physical well-being, increase efficiency and quality of life. The asymptomatic course of the disease does not adversely affect the activity and well-being of tadalafil pills. With pain syndrome, complex treatment is necessary, combining drug therapy and physiotherapy. This will stabilize the condition, lead to remission.

In the absence of therapy, the protrusion progresses, becomes large, begins to buy cialis online important structures of the spinal canal. This is dangerous by the development of complications up to complete paralysis, that is, immobilization of the patient. Any physical activity that is associated with a load on the back and is performed regularly or too vigorously can cause the development of a vertical hernia of the spine.

To prevent the formation of a hernial protrusion or prevent complications with already diagnosed Schmorl's nodules, preventive measures should be followed. It is necessary to exclude excessive physical activity on the spinal column, especially during its growth (in adolescence), control body weight so that no additional load is placed on the spine, and do not lift weights. It is important to observe moderation when doing strength sports. Schmorl's hernia. types, treatment and drugs, prognosis.

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Of course, since Schmorl was a pathologist, he could be convinced by his own observational experience, leafing through the medical records of cialis patients, that these interesting formations of intervertebral discs were an accidental finding. patients did not complain of pain or any symptoms, but died from completely different diseases. In the first decades, it was believed that these hernias were completely harmless, but then it turned out that this was not entirely true. under certain conditions, they can cause significant harm. But first things first.

How are they different from ordinary hernias? The difference between Schmorl's hernia and ordinary intervertebral hernias is as follows. ordinary hernias and protrusions, no matter what clinical picture accompanies their appearance, are located in the horizontal plane. Types of Schmorl's hernias - small, multiple, complicated, etc. Like any hernia and protrusion, Schmorl's hernia can be localized in different parts of the spine. Of course, the biggest factor in penetration into adjacent spongy matter is the force of the disks pressing against each other. Therefore, the largestredheads occur where there is strong pressure, large intervertebral discs and vertebral bodies.

Small hernias of Schmorl often occur in the thoracic, and especially in the cervical region. Since the load on the cervical region is small, the Schmorl hernia of the cervical region is much smaller than the lumbar one. But, since the vertebrae are also smaller, the relative size of defects in the bone tissue is quite comparable to order tadalafil. These hernias can be either single or multiple. Moreover, they can be multiple both within the spine, one anatomical department (for example, multiple Schmorl hernias of the thoracic spine).

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